Sunday, September 6, 2009

My experiences with Zotrim

Why My Story Will Shock You... And How After What Seemed To Be An Endless Battle, I Finally Lost The Weight .

If you're thinking about using drugs, patches or any other product to lose weight, I'm extremely relieved that you've found my blog because not only will my story shock you, it'll almost certainly save your health, your money as well as a lot of time and heart ache.

I will tell you exactly why over a 1 year period I tried but was forced to give up with stimulant weight loss pills, patches and a range of other products... and how I finally managed to get rid of the extra weight completely with a unique product called 'Zotrim'.

My name is Samuel Burnell and like so many women over 40, I spent what seemed like forever desperately trying to lose weight.

I never used to have issue with my weight at all. However,after turning 40, the pounds just seemed to creep up on me for no reason. I was eating the way I always had, and my activity level was the same, but I still gained 52 lbs within a year. I knew it must have something to do with hormones, but had no idea what I could do to get my weight in check.

I Felt Like I Had No Control.

After going through several tests on my thyroid, the doctor found nothing abnormal, and I was told that I probably just needed to change my diet and get a little more exercise. But I knew I was already starving myself and working out at least 3 times a week.

And that was the point when I realized I had to do something about it.

I Tried Stimulants And Failed.

It seemed like those diet pills you find at all the big box retailers worked, so I thought I'd give them a try.At first it worked out reasonably well and I started losing some weight - and although that wasn't exactly something to get too excited about, at least it was a start.

However, after a few weeks, things began to go downhill. One of the major issues was that I was feeling jittery and nervous all the time. I was'nt used to all the caffeine in those pills, and I was having trouble getting to sleep. I was contantly on edge. I had started snapping at my husband and children, and my nerves were even starting to effect me at work. But even worse, the moodswings I was having from the hydroxy pills were horrendous. It was actually beginning to tear into the fabric of my marraige.

I was losing weight, but the cost just seemed to high. I knew I had to stop.


Then I Tried "Natural" Hoodia Pills But Was Forced To Give Them Up.

After only a few days using these pills I began to realize that they were just as bad as the diet pills. Hoodia made me feel just as jittery and on edge, and they did'nt seem to even work as well as the other pills at suppressing my appetite.

I had always been very active, but hoodia was making me crash and burn, instead of giving the consistent energy it was supposed to. I knew I could'nt continue with the hoodia either. I felt like I had tried every magic pill out there, and I was starting to lose hope.

I then tried a range of "full body cleanses" and "detoxs" hoping that those would fix my problem.After experiencing little to no results with these, I was starting to lose hope, and thought there was nothing more I could do.

Eventually, I found something that worked.

Having spent so much time on pills and "cleanses" I had all but completely given up. But then I found Zotrim and I never looked back.

I had never heard of it before and because of my recent experiences, I was initially a little dubious. But after reading some extremely complimentary reviews and learning that the cost was minimal compared to everything else I tried, I decided to give it a shot.

What seemed to be so different with this program was that a major consideration was health although more importantly, I discovered it was the missing link to losing the weight, and that I had been going about weightloss entirely wrong.

Here's why I recommend it.

The reason why I recommend Zotrim is because I followed their plan for a matter of weeks and the results were almost unbelievable.

Although it did take me a few weeks longer to start losing weight than it says on the website, I did manage start losing weight and keeping it off, which I'm sure you'll agree is pretty astonishing. I'm almost at the stage of being able to look at myself in the mirror again!

In my opinion, this is more superior and far more effective than any of the other products I tried. Obviously everyone is different but it has worked extremely well for me. Zotrim works a patented blend of 3 natural plant extracts that have been scientifically proven to help reduce your daily food intake; leave you feeling fuller for longer. As I had discovered that my body dealt with food differently as I got older, with Zotrim I found I still felt satisfied but could now lose weight as well. I never felt those hunger pangs which normally ruin dieting...


Anyway, I hope you've found this information useful whatever your situation because if I had known about Zotrim a year ago, I would have lost the weight l without wasting my time and money with all these other things. I wish you every success!


Samuel Burnell

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